What must be known...

Our experience
As more than a hundred autoimmune diseases have been identified, a few leads below will help to understand their diversity.
Recurrent miscarriages.
This tragedy is too often due to the autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome or Hughes' disease, causing a state of hypercoagulability.
Cardiac arrhythmia.
Grave's disease or Hyperthyroidism. This is simply distinguished from hypothyroidism by an additional autoantibody against the parietal cells.
Irritable intestine.
Whether this syndrome is revealed by an allergy to gluten or dairy products, or by pain throughout the digestive tract, it reveals three possibilities for potentially cancer-causing autoimmune diseases: celiac disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Restless legs.
This syndrome, which is exhausting because it prevents you from sleeping, is an autoimmune disease as such.
Degenerative diseases.
At the root of any degenerative disease is an autoimmune cause. Antibodies trigger the malformation of certain proteins and others prevent their natural repair by the body. Thus, before worrying about the amyloid plaques of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, we must depolarize the characteristic autoantibodies.
Macular degeneration due to age.
It is easy to blame age when it comes to autoimmune retinopathy. It is recommended to consult "Epidemiology of Ocular Manifestations in Autoimmune Disease" in https://www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii › S1568997222000921.
A touch of philosophy
Three fourths of patients with an autoimmune disease are female patients. This is explained by the role of a Xist protein that is only active in women and especially by the action of an autoantibody namely A-Xist-Ab. But fortunately...
An excerpt from "Woman and Her Shadow" by Silvia di Lorenzo (1989), a Jungian psychoanalyst, allows us to understand the strong female majority among practitioners of immunotherapy by energetics against autoimmune diseases.
Quote: "Marie-Louise von Franz says that the female spirit is generally closer to nature: what is generally rejected by common opinion and scientific thought is often picked up by women. Unless she is possessed by a rigid and rationalistic Animus, a woman has the advantage over a man of being freer and more elastic in regard to scientific ideas and the world of the Logos in general, because usually a change in this field is not of vital importance to her."
As a reminder, the Animus is the masculine personality in the woman's unconscious, while a woman's Anima is her appearance, the Eros.
Symmetrically, a man's Animus is his appearance, the Logos, while the Anima is the female personality in the man's unconscious.
It must therefore be added that it is the same freedom of thinking for men with a healthy and strong Anima.