Our approach in Immunotherapy by Energetics
Immunotherapy by Energetics begins with a diagnosis by test of Applied Kinesiology and proceeds, depending on the case, with the treatment of autoimmune diseases, or with immunization against infectants, using advanced and personalized energy techniques for each patient.
Our journey in immunotherapy by energetics
Discover our progression in the field of immunotherapy by energetics, our main achievements and our commitment to offering innovative and effective care in agreement with official medicine. We focus on the individualization of treatments for each patient and on the integration of energetic approaches with traditional medicine.
Meet our team of experienced professionals in the field of immunotherapy by energetics. We share a common vision for the future of medicine and we are committed to providing innovative and holistic care solutions.
Leadership in Immunotherapy by Energetics
Quite diverse symptoms
Here is a simple testimony about my experience with immunotherapy with energetics for asthma:
Suffering from asthma (large respiratory discomfort) for many years, I was relieved thanks to the treatments with energy immunotherapy which allowed me to stop all medication. I used to get out of breath when I went up a floor, I couldn't run more than 1 km and recently I was able to run a marathon without any difficulty! Thanks to immunotherapy by energetics. I feel liberated and lead a normal life with a lot of sports activities.
Testimonial on idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura:
Suffering from ITP that occurs very suddenly after treatment with amoxicillin (for lung problems).
Sudden and complete loss of the pads.
ITP resistant to corticosteroids, not very responsive to immunoglobulin infusions, 4 weeks of hospitalization.
Treatment with a bone marrow stimulator, causing urticaria requiring cessation of treatment, after 15 days. The platelets are still going up.
The platelet count is very unstable. Around 100.
1st session with the therapist.
Very confident, but surprised by this method of care, completely unknown to me.
I only know a little about homeopathy, osteopathy, not acupuncture or Chinese medicine, I trust and have always been receptive to what can stimulate the energy in us, being otherwise athletic and healthy
All the tests carried out are consistent, the therapist finds the abnormalities (medication or vaccine) and gives me a "treatment", which is also surprising for me.
And wishes to see me a second time.
A month passes, during which platelet dosages fluctuate between 130 and 180, but remain well above the critical level.
Second session.
A few verification tests, no anomalies.
I have regained my energy, and the therapist considers me as healed!
Testimonial on avoiding a bone marrow transplant:
Diagnosed with idiopathic bone marrow aplasia in June 2021, the medical solution I was offered was a bone marrow transplant with strong chemotherapy beforehand in order to destroy the rest of my bone marrow and thus be able to accept the graft. This radical solution had lifelong consequences, including damage to my fertility, which I was not ready to take. This is how we heard about this therapist and his work through a friend. Being a pharmacist, I was initially quite skeptical of this method, but I decided to trust it.
During the energy immunotherapy sessions, with his explanations and my scientific knowledge, I understood his work as I went along, how it worked. Little by little my platelet count went up, in a few months I went from severe thrombocytopenic with a platelet level below 20,000/mm3 dependent on blood transfusions (blood and platelets) to a level above 80,000/mm3. Today, a year after my last session with my therapist, I am still stable and independent of blood transfusions, much to the surprise of my hematologist who had predicted a relapse. Thanks to my therapist and his tireless work, I will not need a bone marrow transplant and can lead a completely normal life.
This scientific approach makes it possible to take the disease as a whole and not just treat the symptoms as allopathy does today. I am very grateful for his time, patience and involvement.
In 2018, when I was 22 years old, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.
In classical medicine, the reasoning is:
a disease --> symptoms --> chemical treatments to eradicate them.
Chemotherapy is devastating. Even in the long term: increased risk of developing another cancer in the next 10 years, the cartilage in my joints is deteriorated, my skin has become photosensitive, I have been prone to urinary tract infections (between 10 and 15 in 1 year)... I didn't recognize myself in this chemical medicine with their colossal doses of toxins that we put our bodies through and their long lists of worrying side effects.
More natural remedies have become essential to me.
Moreover, in this equation, I am missing the cause. Why did I develop Hodgkin's disease?
When I asked this question in classical medicine (to three hematologists and a radiotherapist), the answers were vague and brief "We don't know exactly" as if it wasn't important. My greatest concern was sent to me.
Only one person was able to answer them, with expertise and lucidity.
I met this therapist and discovered his therapeutic approach a few months after the end of my chemical treatments.
Unlike in conventional medicine, this therapist treated and treated me directly against the origin of my disease, namely the Epstein Barr virus. (I was always sensitive to this, which shows that, in reality, I was not cured with conventional medicine.)
By taking the time to explain to myself the cause and effect, the process of evolution, thanks to him, I learned a lot about myself. I finally had the feeling that I was really being listened to by a therapist. He gave me back my confidence.
In its healing process, our body is boosted to defend itself and regulate itself properly. Our body is therefore an actor in its healing.
The icing on the cake is that his method is harmless.
Isn't that the real medicine?!
Let's talk about these methods, they are worth a look.
This therapist was the only one who really knew what to do in my case.
He saved my life.
After a treatment for celiac disease:
Yesterday morning I reintroduced gluten, by eating half a brioche, I surprised myself to find that no symptoms appeared. So we can say that I am definitely cured!! After long years of strict diet, what a relief to be able to taste everything...
I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done, it seems unreal. I have learned several lessons from my treatment. Being in medical studies, you taught me that human diseases do not fit into boxes and convinced me to keep a critical mind on the protocols applied. Obviously, I would like to add to my academic knowledge, the total reset method.
Thank you very much
For an acute inflammatory syndrome:
For 18 months, I watched my daughter Marie, 9 years old, sink into a state of exhaustion following a covid infection for which she was not very sick. She often missed school, had bouts of fever at 39.5°C, and disabling joint and muscle pain that sometimes woke her up at night.
It should be noted that at the age of 2 Marie had a knocked mononucleosis, certified by serology.
The diagnosis of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation was made quite quickly by her pediatrician, who, after a few months without improvement, worried about a system pathology, asked for specialized follow-up at the hospital.
No treatment has been proposed apart from a schedule of monthly check-ups in the day hospital in order to confirm the autoimmune disease and thus initiate biotherapy.
When a practitioner using the energetic immunotherapy technique was solicited, 18 months after the onset of symptoms, the IgM VCA was still positive with IgG VCA constantly increasing contrasting with low EBNA IgG, high viral load. The ESR was at 106, the CRP at 32, Ferritin at 275 with a significant increase in alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulins on protein electrophoresis, all indicating an acute inflammatory syndrome.
The various energetic tests revealed:
- Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)
- Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA) (subsequently confirmed by blood test: very positive at 160)
- a Mycoplasma genitallum (later confirmed by very positive IgM and IgG serology)
- a lysogenic EBV
The treatment consisted in two sessions of about one hour and then 5 quick sessions of 10 minutes to perform a downward regulation of the EBV. No drug treatment.
Very quickly my daughter left the sofa, the pain regressed, there was no more fever episode.
1 month later, at the scheduled appointment at the day hospital, they were able to confirm the disappearance of the inflammatory syndrome: the ESR had dropped to 30, the CRP to 2, ferritin to 98, the protein electrophoresis normalized.
Similarly, the c-ANCA had been negative, EBV-DNA < 312, signalling the end of the reactivation episode.
Marie came back to life without fever and without pain, narrowly escaping a more than dark future....
All my gratitude and thanks for the expertise and efficiency of the therapist.