Immunotherapy by Energetics begins with a diagnosis by the test of applied kinesiology and proceeds, depending on the case, with the treatment of autoimmune diseases, or with immunizations against infectives, etc.
Our services
Diagnosis by the test of Applied Kinesiology
Immunotherapy by energetics begins with a thorough diagnosis using the test of applied kinesiology, allowing for a holistic understanding of the patient's health and identification of energetic imbalances.
Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases
We offer personalized protocols for the treatment of autoimmune diseases by restoring the body's energy balance and strengthening the natural immune system. We apply the protocol described in his book "False Targets" by German doctor Roland Brandmaier.
Immunization against Infectants
We offer personalized immunization programs to strengthen the immune system against infectants, using techniques of immunotherapy by energetics to optimize the immune response.
Personalized advice and follow-up
We provide personalized monitoring and advice to maintain optimal energy balance, thus promoting long-term well-being for our patients.
Integrative Approach
We take an integrative approach in two ways.
On the one hand, by taking into consideration physiological knowledge from the West as well as from Ayurvedic treatments and Chinese meridian stimulation. This appears in the two tables below clarifying the correspondence between meridians and cranial nerves, as well as between endocrine glands and chakras or nadis.
On the other hand, we pursue this integrative approach by adapting to the individual needs of our patients, by integrating the immunotherapy by energetic into their overall treatment plan.
About Autoimmune Diseases
Our experience leads us to classify autoimmune diseases into three categories related to the concern for their prevention:
- Those which can be cured without leaving sequelae, like the irritable bowel syndrome - namely celiac disease, plus Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis -, or non-alcoholic cirrhosis hepatitis, the antiphospholipid syndrome, the stiffness syndrome or Gougerot and Guillain-Barré syndromes...
- Those which must be treated from the beginning lest they will leave harmful side effects, namely various arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes...
- Those which lead to degenerative syndromes such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, etc.
Nous adoptons doublement une approche intégrative :
d'une part en prenant en considération les connaissances physiologiques issues tant de l'Occident que des soins Ayurvédiques et de la stimulation Chinoise des méridiens. C’est ce que montrent les deux tableaux suivants, qui illustrent la correspondance entre les méridiens et les nerfs crâniens ainsi qu’entre les glandes endocrines et les chakras ou nadis.
d’autre part, nous poursuivons cette approche intégrative en nous adaptant aux besoins individuels de nos patients en intégrant l’immunothérapie énergétique dans leur plan de traitement global.
Au sujet des maladies auto-immunes
Notre expérience nous amène à classer les maladies auto-immunes en trois catégories liées au souci de leur prévention :
- Celles qui peuvent être guéries sans laisser de séquelles, le syndrome de l'intestin irritable, à savoir la maladie céliaque, la maladie de Crohn et la colite ulcéreuse, ou l'hépatite cirrhose non alcoolique, le syndrome des antiphospholipides, le syndrome de la raideur ou le syndrome de Gougerot ou de Guillain-Barré...
- Celles qui doivent être traitées dès leur début de peur qu'elles ne laissent des effets secondaires néfastes, à savoir diverses arthrites, sclérose en plaques, diabète...
- Celles qui entraînent des syndromes dégénératifs comme les maladies de Parkinson, d’Alzheimer, la schizophrénie...