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Adding immunization by energetics to the range of medical techniques: is it possible to open a scientific debate?

démarche pédagogique
Fondo abstracto ondulado

The pedagogical approach

This site is dedicated to the large number of doctors, nurses and caregivers who generously care for the sick, and who have remained free from the current medical system but are forced – whether by the autocracy of the administration or by falsified documentation – to harmful practices. 

Why is there a need to promote immunotherapy with energetics ?

The motivation for creating the present web site of the endowment fund for energetic immunotherapy (FDD-ITE) comes from the conviction that the majority of the current medical profession and its researchers exploit so-called scientific statistical reasoning without mastering the theoretical foundations necessary for its accuracy. The best example of this is the search for the harmful effects of a treatment or a vaccine: if it triggers a wide variety of cancers or autoimmune diseases, each disease will remain below a threshold of vigilance and the treatment will be continued without remedial measures. 


Scientific and economic aberration

On the one hand, the vast majority of research projects are limited to taking into account the laws of organic chemistry without consideration for the underlying laws of electromagnetism and quantum physics: how then can we explain the attraction of an antibody to an antigen, or the role of phototaxis, by limiting ourselves to chemotaxis? 

On the other hand, the enormous funding that private research centers receive from the contributions of the pharmaceutical industry is only aimed at imagining the next miracle molecule instead of a deepening of the physiology. In addition, doctors are supported for their participation in sumptuous conferences where they will only be presented with new perspectives on medicine. Not to mention certain financial compensations, neither public nor legal... 

The real flaw in the current French economic model is that citizens pay heavy taxes to subsidize drugs widely marketed by the pharmaceutical industry and indirectly reward followers. The French have thus become gluttons of medicines, European champions in this sense, and it is the players in this industry who are the main beneficiaries, especially with chronic diseases that end up no longer being treated.


French denial

It is urgent that physiology take into account the flow of energy from the black light of the sun and the moon constantly circulating along the meridians of the vertebrate body, beyond its simple exploitation by acupuncture. 

It doesn't take long to admit that, if the Chinese discovered this technique, which is now accepted in the West because of its effectiveness, it will be necessary to come to the point of seriously learning these energy networks and all their painful consequences in the event of an energy blockage (carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, etc.). We will have to understand their role not on organs but on bodily functions such as the hepatoenteric cycle. We will have to come to accept the practical use of the frequencies of Winfrid Schumann's resonances that travel through the meridians and correspond to the waves (alpha, etc.) of the brain, their impact on sleep, and especially their impact in psychology...

You have to think about it a little more to understand that the Indians and the Tibetans had discovered another dimension of energetics with the chakras, each revealing powerful properties of each of the endocrine glands (which produce hormones) and whose role is important in electromagnetic sensitivities. 

Conversely, this obstinacy in not seeking to broaden points of view in order to master the theoretical foundations necessary for immunotherapy is found among most proponents of non-medicinal treatments. Too often, they are satisfied with pseudo-philosophical statements that can be convincing to the average patient (i.e. suffering) and can even be beneficial to them without a placebo effect and even more so with an energetic intervention. But who has ever thought of explaining the memory of sucrose in homeopathy?


It is the quiet confidence in the irreplaceable usefulness of the union of knowledge in official physiology and energetics that has allowed the FDD-ITE to put into practice and teach, well before the availability of any vaccine, precisely on the first day of confinement on March 17, 2020, a treatment for recovery or for preventive immunization against the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Since then, our teams have been called PRIM/D19 (Preventive Immunization) and have been using it continuously since then, without the need for boosters or harmful effects of course. As there were not enough people who knew how to practice this care, we had offered to help the ARS in mid-2020 with curative care for serious cases at the University Hospital and even to the Minister of Health; unanswered. 

This first success paved the way for preventive immunizations against other infectants (BCG, HPV, etc.), without the same sense of urgency. Official indifference, however, justifies the importance of peacefully making this approach of non-medicinal treatment by energetic available to all, even if it means defying the current system of cronyism. 

We also now know how to check whether a person is well protected against the pandemic, both by PRIM/D19 immunization and by vaccination.



The fusion of Western medicine, its medicines and the science of biochemistry, with Eastern know-how, energetics and the science of electromagnetism, is inevitable. Our motivation is only to make it happen as soon as possible, in order to alleviate the suffering of so many patients with chronic autoimmune diseases, among others. 


- What would be reasonable to start with in the short term and without risk? As soon as the case of the anti-CoviD vaccination is discussed, tempers flare. Accusations of conspiracy theories are growing as side effects appear. However, it was necessary to intervene against the pandemic! The availability of a vaccine applicable to as many people as possible is an indisputable necessity, but for a long time the side effects of vaccines through their adjuvants and sometimes their excipients have been known, as well as the modalities of their avoidance by energetics. It would now be enough for doctors to prescribe such post-vaccination interventions to avoid many harmful consequences.


Dreaming allowed of the union of opposites

Our choice is to naively expect that a surge of candor will soon open this new era, where all the laws of physics will be taken into account in research in organic chemistry and medicine, where the non-medicinal treatment of autoimmune diseases will be officially promoted.

1 MYD. September-October 2023

2 By the simple degradation of the recognition of the self and the non-self, generally attributable to overexposure to chemicals, Glyphosate or other Chlordecone...

3 The Statins prescribed against cholesterol allegedly responsible for atherosclerosis are doing so much harm that self-claimed "scientists" are starting to publish the virtues of this drug against heart disease: the lesson of the Mediator has been useless.

4 "Health by an organized gang". Anne Jouan and Pr. Christian Riché. September 2022.

5 Our reference is Roland Brandmaier's book, available in German, English and French at www.treatment-products : "False Targets – An Introduction to Autoimmune Diseases".

démarche scientifique
Fondo abstracto ondulado

The scientific approach

The recent pandemic has been the occasion for the attribution of the title of scientist to many personalities or organizations who could certainly talk about biochemistry and pharmacology but were as ignorant about the laws of physics as they were about the respect of pharmacovigilance ethics.

So where is the cause of the rejection of energetics in medicine?


The medical world claims to be scientific while relying restrictively on the science of biochemistry alone, excluding the elementary laws of physics, such as energy, and other less elementary laws such as electromagnetism. 

Unfortunately, the media repeat the same arguments without trying to question them, or to listen when simple reasoning is offered. Shamelessly, they declare Luc Montagnier spoiled as soon as he asks for the rehabilitation of Jacques Benveniste on the debate on the memory of water.


The mystery of homeopathy

So let's start there. When in 1800 Samuel Hahnemann developed his technique of infinitesimal preparations by percussion-dilution of a substance diluted in water, no one could think of the explanation of this memorization of the substance reduced to a dose below the Avogadro number. It is less forgivable two hundred years later not to admit that it is a question of having exploited the electromagnetic memory property of water. It is now in daily use to carry out these infinitesimal preparations with a simple radio frequency transmitter. It is amusing to observe that neither Jacques Benveniste nor Luc Montagnier knew this daily custom. 


These vibrations that animate human bodies

Blindness to phenomena governed by the laws of physics and not of chemistry goes hand in hand in the West with indifference to Eastern physiological knowledge, both Taoism and Ayurvedism. The former have long exploited the Schumann resonances (below 60 Hz) that travel through the meridians, while the latter have exploited the electromagnetic interactions concerning the chakras and nadis (between 300 and 3,500 Hz). 


There is an urgent need to develop an integrative physiology that can coherently explain all the concepts of the human body, from the foundations of anatomy to the interactions between organs, chakras and meridians, by neurons or hormones, etc. as well as the relationship between chemotaxis and phototaxis...


Understanding how it works

The protocol used in energetic immunotherapy includes the applied kinesiology test on the one hand, and the treatment developed by Devi Nambudripad for the elimination of allergies on the other, which has undoubtedly demonstrated its effectiveness. Various improvements have been made to it over time, but above all the reasons for its effectiveness should be explained and enriched knowledge in integrative physiology.

démarche économique
Fondo abstracto

The economic approach

The financial burden of a nation's medical care clearly has no clear relationship with the health of its population. The more gullible the governments of a country are about the claims of suppliers of products and services for medicine, the more they are about the claims of suppliers of chemical products for agriculture. Those who tolerate poisoning the soil, tolerate just as much poisoning human bodies.

What is the alternative to chronic diseases?


Autoimmune diseases, which are dysregulation of multiple polarizations of cells and proteins, can be triggered by phytosanitary products but cannot be cured by chemical medications.

They are declared chronic by the medical profession and some of their consequences are treated with cortisone, ventolin or paracetamol...

Treatment by Energetics

However, autoimmune diseases can be cured according to the non-drug protocols of energetic immunotherapy. Many ex-patients can testify to this, as can many doctors. All that remains is to get the public authorities to listen. The misfortune is that if they would gain in considerable savings in social security, they would lose in subsidies for the industrial suppliers of pharmacies. 

Let's just look at the number of annual medical appointments in the best of cases, with blood tests and MRIs made unnecessary by the cure.

But above all, let's be aware that immunotherapy with energetics must be prescribed by the treating physicians, possibly after a blood test to identify the dose of characteristic antibodies, in order to avoid the inexorable sequelae when the autoimmune disease has lasted too long. How many people grow old with pain and deformities due to the various variants of osteoarthritis!

In addition, any degenerative disease – such as Parkinson's, etc. – could be the consequence of an autoimmune disease as we have observed during our sessions with patients.


One is entitled to wonder what the leaders of the High Authority for Health have in mind at a time when suppliers and users of recreational drugs are condemned but much worse drugs such as benzodiazepines are reimbursed as analgesics or antidepressants.

Moreover, the medical profession promotes a fundamental confusion by treating depressions and depressions as equivalents in total ignorance of the teachings of analytical psychology. A depression is indeed a deep sadness, in the face of an actual bereavement or a comparable loss which, above all, needs an empathetic presence.

However, depression is a vigorous refusal by the patient's unconscious to let him prolong a life in contradiction with his deep destiny. It is a spiritual crisis that can only be resolved at the cost of a significant change in the current way of life. It is true that some are tempted to commit suicide, although the opposition between the energy of the conscious and that of the unconscious makes any decision-making difficult. An emergency solution may seem adequate by stultifying the patient with medication. An appropriate and lasting solution is offered by the Therapy by the Imaginary in Action (TIA) because the unconscious has a mode of expression through symbolic images that guide the patient towards spontaneous healing.  Here again, an empathetic presence can encourage the patient.

démarche judiciaire
Puntos de conexión

The legal process

​The allocation fund had to ask for the intervention of the Paris Administrative Court to get the Ministry of Health to take a position on our request for an appeal against the abuse of power by a so-called Council for the Protection of Persons (CPP) and then on our memorandum instituting proceedings as follows. 

What must be promoted in the domain of health


Prolegomena to demand justice against the abuse of power by several CPPs.


The current situation

The medical profession and its guards seek to impose the principle that doctors - narrowly trained to be only prescribers of chemical drugs or surgical interventions - have exclusivity for the treatment of patients.


The vast majority of potential patients rush to obtain a prescription for medication or interventions in the event of symptoms without regard to their harmful effects. The French public gorges itself on antibiotics without being alerted to the risk of haptens: the worst is therefore not the destruction of the microbiota, but the creation of autoantibodies which are difficult to identify.


No consideration is taken into for preventative measures, starting with the strengtheing of the microbiota and the consumption of foods so as to avoid the causes of perceived symptoms. 


The current consequence

The ability of the patients' immune system to recognize the physiological Self and Non-Self is degraded by atmospheric pollution, by food pollution (pesticides and agricultural fungicides), by violent shocks (concussions) and by infectants.

Autoimmune diseases and cancers are occuring increasingly as a result, and their chemical treatments are associated with violent harmful effects.


The case of the CoviD-19 pandemic

The Allocation Fund for Immunotherapy by Energetics (ITE) had ensured that a simple solution was available as soon as the decision was made to confine the public in March 2020. Patients treated against this infection or immunized preventatively by the PRIM/D19 protocol therefore did not need to be vaccinated.

Above all, the official discourse of a need for a large dose of neutralizing antibodies was a hoax since the most serious need is of leukocytes capable of destroying infected cells as well as Sars-CoV-2 viruses and virions. 


For a controlled vaccination

Instead of pretending, in the absence of serious pharmacovigilance, that messenger RNA vaccines were harmless, it was necessary to set up – as recommended by the FDD-ITE – a detoxification against carcinogenic adjuvants and against pathogenic proteins the continued production of which was triggered by these vaccines.

Many autoimmune or cancerous diseases of vaccinated patients could have been avoided. The diversity of these cases of adverse effects does not allow us to declare that these vaccines were particularly harmful. 


To prevent from proving the above

The CPPs (Councils for the Protection of Persons) have behaved as Councils for the Protection of the Profession to the detriment of the recognition of the need for a renewed medical education – taking into account the energetics according to the meridians and chakras as well as the laws of electromagnetism affecting water. It would then surely be necessary to allow doctors to prescribe treatment according to ITE (immunotherapy by energetics). 


The call for appeal to the Minister

It still gives to thinking that a Minister of Health claiming to be affected by Guillain-Barré autoimmune disease, so frequently cured by ITE, would satisfy himself with the official position of the proponents of the all-chemical approach and accept the qualification of a chronic disease.

We remain pensive when we think of all the suffering left unhealed and the exorbitant cost for social security and mutual insurance companies. 

On the other hand, we understand the interest of pharmaceutical suppliers in the public's gullibility to want more drugs and the limitation of doctors to prescribe only chemical treatments or surgical procedures.

ITE should have the right to be prescribed in the same way as Physiotherapists, and the proof can be made according to the procedures by ImmunoTest (from Immunoserv LtD) as soon as they are authorized by the officials of the medical profession. 


Michel Depeyrot

Stanford PhD

FDD-ITE President 


Démarche audacieuse
Fondo abstracto ondulado

The bold approach

Position Statement on Complex Infections


Two treatments for diseases deserve to be clearly presented because they are the causes of much suffering and slow degradation of the body.

Such threats on health must be tested from the start of a therapy and must be treated at once through Immunotherapy by Energetics.

Proposal for the treatment of Mononucleosis


A mononucleosis is due to the once-in-a-lifetime infection of the Laryngopharynx by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a DNA virus of the Herpes family.

The simplest case is a lysic infection, whereby the virus has thrown its DNA into the cytoplasm of its target cells, the B-lymphocytes. It causes a deep and lasting fatigue due to the immune system having to kill some of its own effectors, which must be performed by different blood cells, namely Natural Killer Cells (NKC) with a strong expense of energy.

The tougher case is a lysogenic infection, whereby the virus has thrown its DNA into the nucleus of its target cells, the B-lymphocytes, and its DNA remains inserted within the B-cell’s DNA. Freshly produced B-cells by hematopoiesis get readily contaminated and the immune system is lastingly disturbed. The DNA to RNA translation in B-cells is distorted. This state shall typically result in a Lymphoma.


Healing in both cases starts by treating EBV with the Antivirus series (a supervial proven against the Sars-CoV-2). Frequent coinfectants CMV and VZV in the mononucleosis must generally be eliminated at the same time.

This treatment is not necessary when the patient is through with the mononucleosis, as the aim is to activate lymphocytes with antigenic memory of the EBV. But it is pointless whenever the infection has been lysogenic.



Eviction of the EBV from the B-Lymphocytes

The lysogenic assumption is that EBV shall continue infecting newly produced B-cells by on-going hematopoiesis unless these are protected long enough until the contaminated ones have died and/or been destroyed by Natural Killer Cells. This requires the equivalent of their energetic down-regulation by Natural Steroids and Testosterone as companion agents.


Notation: assuming the maximum number of copies of vials of companion agents must be 13 to start with and the minimum must be 8 at the end

EBV\ (Natural Steroids + Testosterone) [8; 13]



Identification of antigens with “mimicry”, victims of Confusion

The endogenous antigens are bodily proteins carrying the same epitope as that selected for their antibodies by the Anti-EBV-lymphocytes as target for their paratope (some sort of mirror-image of the epitope).

In the case of Multiple Sclerosis, MOG cells (Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoproteins) have been turned into targets for destruction, since they are pointed-to, due to an unfortunate coincidence, by the immunoglobulins aimed at the Herpes virus EBV.

This situation is named mimetism or confusion of epitopes.

The psychomuscular tests indicate that IgG and possibly IgA as well as IgM, are in full activity. Blood analysis may serve to confirm it (see Ganzimmun).


Combinations of Immunoglobulins and their endogenous targets – said to belong to the “Self” – must be treated as allergies for auto-immune tolerance through the process of Eliminating Auto-Allergies (EAA).


An explanation of how it works may require the traditional model of pharmacology with the key in the lock, whereby epitopes are attracting paratopes through electrostatic forces and acting as a lock to a cell membrane: the other acceptable model comes from quantum physics and requires that identical epitopes and paratopes have opposite spins for attracting each other. In both cases a treatment by energetics may act through some electromagnetic interaction to depolarize the attraction of antibodies toward the Self.


Notice that any vaccination, or even any natural defense build-up mechanism, could potentially result in such an ambiguous characterization of the antigens. Haptens also may cause that. The scope of this risk is unknown at this stage. It seems that MOG are likely targets, as they also are victims in case of a Multiple Sclerosis due to the Hepatitis B vaccine. Two other proteins on Oligodendrocytes may also be victims of mimicry: MBP (Myelin Basic Protein) and MAG (Myelin Associated Glycoprotein).

An other antigen on EBV leads to the appearance of autoantibodies: EBNA1.



Sequels afflicting the patient may have to be fixed

This is the most difficult stage. Now IgA, IgM and IgG are no longer active. Possibly letting time go-by could be the appropriate solution, but we have no clue as to how long it may take.

Epitope mimicry indeed may concern proteins on microbiota membranes, and these co-victims trigger the activation of lymphocytes which will send antibodies along neurons up to the patient’s brain and these will get stuck upon Myelin membranes. Myeloid Killer Cells will be readily attracted by these antibodies to proceed with the destruction of oligodendrocytes.


We ultimately owe it to Dr. Geffard (Inserm Bordeaux) to have documented the IDO cycle and to have transmitted to us the essential vials for resetting this cycle.
There is an other such cycle sometimes involved, namely the SAM cycle, depending on the sequels and their pains, but reasoning may help, e.g., the Krebs cycle might be relevant for Diabetes, etc.

Allergies to all substances in each cycle and their combinations must be treated.



The same overall procedure must be contemplated for other viruses of the Herpes series: Herpes Simplex virus, Herpes type 8 Virus, Cytomegalovirus and Varicella Zoster to start with. The former is known for its confusion with enzymes "Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase" (GAD) and sometimes also Glutamate Carboxylase.




Proposal for treating the Lyme Disease


Lectures on so-called Lyme diseases are fashionable, whereas medical tradition suggested that assign the name of a disease to a clearly identified syndrome. This is not the case here.

There are indeed as many different Lyme diseases as there are bites by ticks, which does not prevent them from being approached rationally with a good chance of success through an energetic approach.

Indeed, each tick bite inoculates a specific combination of infectants (called pathogenic agents: bacteria, virus, parasite, fungi) to a victim with a specific immune system and health condition. A set of interactions specific to this tick-victim pair is then triggered, with excess energy for certain infectants (allergy) and deficiencies for immune cells (anergy). A patient who already has a surplus of autoantibodies, heavy metals and toxins will not do as well as one with a good microbiota. It also depends on the selections, by their own immune system, of antigens targeted by their B and T cell receptors.


The practice of applied kinesiology testing, neuromuscular or psychomuscular, allows to start by identifying the involvement of each of the major families of infectants (bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus, i.e. mold and yeast).

  1. If the patient has a fungal infection such as candida, treatment with antibiotics should be avoided at all costs.

  2. In addition, some infectants are resistant to any treatment by protecting themselves with biofilms, such as borreliosis and staphylococci, which are protected from antibiotics.


The body will quickly emit a large number of antibodies to defend itself, but the leukocytes may have been put in a state of anergy and need stimulation adapted to each type of infectant. It is not enough to treat the allergy of the infectants.


However, as soon as the victim has been injected with a variety of tick infectants, his or her ability to recognize the self - to ensure that lymphocytes do not attack their own bodies - is reduced to well below healthy tolerance, so that some antibodies become autoantibodies. The victim is then affected by an autoimmune disease that must be eradicated as a matter of urgency, which is precisely what Energy Immunotherapy (ITE) allows with its Auto-Allergy Elimination (EAA) protocol.


Each infectant can then be treated via its vial as an allergen in a mixture with the vial of the corresponding anti-infectant (Anti-Bacterium for Borreliosis) and with the vial of anti-biofilm as needed.


However, complications must be considered systematically:

  • Borreliosis can exchange plasmids with the DNA of other bacteria. It is then necessary to identify the co-infecting bacteria and treat them at the same time.

  • The Babesia parasite is also often injected through a tick bite (to be treated with the Anti-Parasite vial.

  • A fungus, mold or yeast such as candida, may have been injected and require treatment with the Anti-Fungus vial.

  • Two viruses of the genus Herpes are sometimes injected by a tick, the Epstein-Barr virus and the Cytomegalovirus, and one of the most urgent situations is that of tick-borne encephalitis, caused by the so-called TBEV virus, a member of the Flavivirus genus. It is then necessary to ensure that the patient is not affected by the Anti-Interferon type I antibody and to treat in a mixture with the Anti-Virus vial.

  • In addition, an Epstein-Barr virus may have injected its DNA into the DNA of B cells and permanently infected all of them, preventing them from functioning properly. The clonal rearrangement protocol in downward regulation by energetics has proven its worth.

  • Antibiotics may have triggered the production of haptens to be treated as an autoimmune syndrome.


Incidentally, we can be sure that there has really been a tick bite by testing whether the patient is allergic to the tick saliva protein, which it is also good to treat.

Démarche écologique
Fondo abstracto ondulado

The ecological point of view

It is enough to note the frequency of smoking motorists who throw their cigarette butts out of the window to observe how disrespect for the ecology of their own bodies goes hand in hand with disrespect for the environment, these two facets of indifference towards pollution. 

How ecology undergoes pharmacology


The great advances in Western medicine have gone hand in hand with the great advances in the science of chemistry as well as its industry. The same period saw the life expectancy of the population and industrial or agricultural productivity at the cost of the destruction of biological diversity and healthy life. 

For example, Americans born in 2019 will spend more of their lives taking prescription drugs than getting married or getting an education, according to new research by Jessica Ho, an associate professor of sociology and demography at the University of Pennsylvania. She found that American men will spend about 48% of their lives taking prescription drugs, and that figure rises to 60% for women. 


Production of medicines

The turnover of the global pharmaceutical market from 2001 to 2023 has increased from 400 to 1600 billion US dollars. It is in terms of tons of chemicals that it should be compared to the market for phytosanitary products as destructive as Glyphosate for example.

However, while the industry has carefully eliminated benzene from the products that spread its harmful effects (starting with gasoline), medicine is increasing every year the consumption of benzodiazepines, acceptable for very short periods of time against pain, but real drugs as ineffective as they are dangerous for the chronic treatment of patients with so-called depression. For a bereavement causing depressing sadness, a simple shift in vocabulary makes it possible to condemn these patients to a treatment that is durably harmful. Similarly, the resentment so well described by the philosopher Cynthia Fleury – the opposite of resilience – is inflicted with antidepressants, which will not cure anything.


From medicine addiction to drugs

The borderline between medicine and drugs is easily crossed when it comes to cannabis, but it facilitates the practice of poisoning by harder drugs by accustoming the population to the irresponsible ingestion of supposedly medicinal chemicals. 

The population accepts with such ease the artificialization of the functioning of the human body that the success of naturopathy leads to the ingestion of food supplements to the detriment of the metabolism. It has been proven that the consumption of vitamin supplements does not result in a longer lifespan.


Impact on nature of treatments by drugs

There is a lot of concern about so-called eternal pollutants such as PFAS, and we must not forget that synthetic hormone contraception practiced worldwide has a lasting effect through the accumulation of these chemicals in the seas. The effect is already measurable on fish, whose ratio of the number of males to females has already decreased sharply.


Against earthly and human microbiomes

The frenzied exploitation of chemicals has triggered a major crisis of biodiversity collapse through soil pollution, both for microbes and for earthworms and small mammals. It is the counterpart of the destruction of the human microbiota by the misuse of antibiotics and multiple synthetic ingredients in food or medicines. 


Digestion of heavy metals

Simply because of the beneficial consumption of vegetables, our bodies digest daily quantities of minerals, heavy or not... We are equipped with the natural means of regulating the right doses to ingest for the proper functioning of our bodies since any mineral such as selenium is both necessary for health but a violent poison in case of excess. It is the role of the digestive microbiota to ensure the right daily dosage. 


It is time for the ecological discourse to be inspired by a true liberation from the dominant way of thinking, dominated by the belief in the all-chemical.

Playa limpia
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